A Beacon of Hope for Cancer Survivors

April 25, 2017

Jayne and Ronnie are the owners of a 3,024-square-foot Morton Buildings garage in Tarkio, Missouri. It was built with many of Morton’s standard building features. It also includes some of Morton’s less standard features: an eyebrow overhang, double Dutch doors and skylights.

 But the most unique building component, and most meaningful to the family, is the glass cupola atop the ridge of the roof.

 Jayne, a kindergarten teacher for more than three decades, is a cancer survivor. When Jayne was returning home from cancer treatment in Chicago in the early hours of the morning last summer, she and her husband noticed a glow on the horizon near their home.

 “The closer they came to their home, the more brilliant the light,” Jayne’s sister, Connie, told us.

 “As they crested the last hill, but before they were in full view of their home, they actually thought something was very wrong at the house,” Connie continued. “The light was so bright, but at the same time its aura was soft and serene.”

 Their Morton building was donning a new cupola, which lit up the countryside.  Connie affectionately named it Jayne’s “Cancer Survivor Light,” reminding the entire community that such a soft, quenching light surrounds us with compassion and most of all hope. “This light is there not only to offer hope to those who have been diagnosed with cancer, but also to those who just want to take a moment to themselves and breathe in the purity of HOPE,” Connie said.

 The structure itself -- 42'W x 14'4"H x 72'L with Morton’s Hi-Rib steel, wainscot and windows with shutters -- has greatly served its purpose for the family.

“The quality of construction is worth the difference,” Jayne said. “(The) windows do not leak, the insulation is great, it doesn’t take much to heat it and the overall building is just one that’s just outstanding.”

“It’s something to be proud of. It’s something that we hope is going to last us for the rest of our lifetime … we’re very happy with our building.”

To learn more about their garage, please visit https://mortonbuildings.com/project/4370.

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